• Shape your future

  • Explore the world

  • Set yourself apart

  • Students with international ambitions and a passion for business will find themselves suited to an exchange at the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam - School of Economics and Management.

    Founded in 1846, the School has a proud history of first-rate business education. The emphasis on application that the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) strives for informs the school—they teach business so their graduates can go on to work in global business.

    The School’s top quality facilities are all located in the buzzing city of Amsterdam, one of Europe’s prime business hubs. There is no better place to continue building your international network. Exchange in Amsterdam is an unforgettable experience.

  • Amsterdam is a great place to work and live. The quality of life ranks high on international reports and unemployment is one of the lowest in the EU. Added to that is Amsterdam’s burgeoning expat community as well as the 2,500 international companies who have chosen to set up there.

  • The University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam has the largest School of Economics and Management in the Netherlands.


Main areas of study

The listed areas of study are not necessarily exhaustive and other fields of study might also be available at the partner institution. Moreover, names for fields of study may be different overseas.
A discipline being listed does not in indicate the suitability of the program, nor does it indicate that the discipline is taught in English.
Approval to study particular subjects at any institution is always at the discretion of the departmental/discipline and faculty advisors at RMIT University and subject to available places at the host institution.

  • Economics
  • Management

Special requirements

Programs are taught in English and Dutch.

Open to RMIT Undergraduate and Postgraduate students.

Open to RMIT students from College of Business.

Similiar partners

  • All
  • By location
  • By discipline


  • ECE Paris

Full time load






RMIT credit points



The School of Economics and Management reserves accommodation for exchange students, which can be rented for a period of one or two semesters.

Health insurance

The Netherlands has a reciprocal health care agreement with Australia.
Note: Please be aware that travel insurance is a compulsory requirement of an exchange program.

Living cost

An exchange student from abroad will need a minimum of 900 Euro per month to cover the costs of living and studying, including study material.

Key information


Students from Australia do not need a provisional residence permit (visa or MVV in Dutch) to enter the Netherlands, however, if you are staying longer than 3 months, you need to apply for a residence permit (REV).
The International Office will send students this information after they have received an exchange offer.
Please note that visa requirements are subject to change. Please seek advice from the Dutch Consulate/Embassy in your home country for the most updated information.

Further information is available at here.

Partner grading scale

Low demand


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Your say

  • You will learn more about yourself in one semester, than the rest of your time spent at university combined.

    Dominic Chambers
    Dominic Chambers
    All student testimonials
  • Absolutely get involved, don't be shy. Don't always follow the pack - if there's something YOU want to do, do it!

    Thomas Ryan
    Thomas Ryan
    All student testimonials